Rabbit bald patch under chin

Hair loss questions and advice from veterinary professionals. This morning i noticed philly has a bald patch under her chin she lives alone, i spot clean daily including wet spots, and do a complete change weekly. Her sister who lived in the same cage as her died a few weeks ago and i was wondering if the stress of that could cause her to lose her hair there or if she has some kind of parasite. Hair loss in rabbits, also called alopecia, can be caused by a variety of possible problems. Howie mandel pictured is a notable modernday man known for sporting a soul patch. A soul patch is grown just below the lower lip, but does not grow past the chin i. Has anyone elses rabbit had an open sore under chin. Some rabbit breeds are not supposed to have a dewlap because it it a arba disqualification for their breed. Hairs at the border of the bald spot come out easily in clumps, usually with. The following information is from paw nation the dewlap new bunny owners may be a little bit confused about the extra flap of skin and fatty tissue that is under the chin of their new female bunny.

Bare spots and patches of missing fur on rabbits the. The content on this site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Is it the time of year when your rabbit should be molting. Patchy fur loss with mild to severe flaking along the rabbits back is the hallmark of cheyletiella parasitovorax, the most common rabbit skin mite. It is common for rabbits to suffer stress during certain instances in their lives. The stereotypical image of a 1960s beatnik often includes a soul patch. Hairs at the border of the bald spot come out easily in clumps, usually with some coarse flakes of skin attached. The result may be saturated fur around the hindquarters.

Molting or shedding is natural in all rabbits and can happen once or twice a year depending on whether the rabbit lives indoors or outdoors. How to check your guinea pigs hair guinea pig illnesses. Fur loss in rabbits with no other lesions can have many different causes, including. Nov 12, 2018 i have just cleaned my rabbit hutch out and noticed my little netherland dwarf rabbit as a flaky bald patch under his chin, i tried to pick him up to have a closer look but he wont let me, he kept fighting to get away from me which isnt like him at all. This whole process will take somewhere between two and six weeks. Hair loss in cats what causes cats to lose fur around. Regularly groom your rabbit and take him for a checkup by the veterinarian once a year, as well as anytime you notice anything unusual with him changes in appetite, drinking, urination or activity, hair loss, or changes in hair coat. And by bald i mean, not peach fuzz, not sparse, but an area in which follicles are entirely absent, essentially is as if they have been erased.

Sherlock rough bald spot under his chin binkybunny. If slipped in very small quantities, as in whisps, the bald patch may not be. The bald spot under the chin is really not that noticeable when viewed straight on. Kind of like female humans have breasts, female rabbits have fat pouches under their chins in order to produce milk for their babies.

Your rabbit may lose their fur in clumps, leaving bald patches on their body. Im virtually confident it is a female rabbit female rabbits have an superior dewlapfat chin than men. Rabbit wlump on chin welcome to the homesteading today. However for ripley, they area is only directly on the bottom of his jaw chin. They literally pull the fur out to line a nest to keep the kits warm. If your rabbit has a rapidly growing lump on his body he may be having some. How to stop a rabbit from eating its fur animals mom. If the hair is thin beyond this spot, it is a good idea to have your veterinarian do an examination. The skin is pink and looks healthy except for the center where there is a reddark clotted circle about twice the size of a pencil eraser. Flopsy went to the vets yesterday for the myxomatosis jab.

However for ripley, they area is only directly on the bottom of his jawchin. It is fairly centered but is more on her left than not. As i was holding my guinea pig today, mum noticed he had a little bald spot under his chin. Saliva burn fur loss under the chin, on the dewlap, and on the chest. However, if you are at all concerned at your rabbit s hair loss, a quick trip to the vet would be in order to find out what is causing the problem. Hair loss in rabbits symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment. Male bunnies may also appear to have a dewlap, but it is rarely as pronounced as the dewlap on a female. Two have fallen out so far, one with an entire whisker attached. My adult cat has a bald patch under his chin where he has. Dental problems, saliva burn fur loss on the dewlap, under the chin and on the chest.

If the scent glands of a male hamster has open sores, this could be caused from excessive grooming or licking. When my molars started to get spurs i drooled more and got a bit crusty under my chin. It sounds like you just found your rabbits scent gland on his chin. Patchy fur loss with mild to severe flaking along the rabbit s back is the hallmark of cheyletiella parasitovorax, the most common rabbit skin mite. You wont find it in the standard of perfection, but if you talk very much with enthusiasts of rabbit color genetics, the name will probably come up. Hair loss could also be caused due to a scar, skin fungus, mites or fleas, or hormonal imbalances. What kind of rabbit sickness would cause it to have a fat. This itchiness could be caused due to number of reasons such as allergies, fleas and dermatitis.

The bald patch on back of flopsys neck was there when we got her though we didnt notice them til later in the day. This page contains a fairly long list of nearly all the rabbit diseases that could possibly befall your rabbit or your rabbitry, plus links to pages of additional information about conditions impacting your rabbits health you might not ever need to worry about the vast majority of these rabbit diseases, however pasteurellosis and some forms of diarrhea are fairly common. Missing fur under the chin in dwarf rabbits or any other breed. Hey, a bald spot under the chin like yours is quite common, it does not look to be completely bare so im sure in time it will fill in, what are your goals for this beard. I was giving my bunnies some treat pellets from the palm of my hand and noticed a matted spot of fur under starswirls chin with the tip of my fingers. Currently she is on carefresh but i am changing over to wood pellets. The hair under her chin, mostly on the right side, is coming out in these tufts witj a large scab attached. Aug 30, 2006 im virtually confident it is a female rabbit female rabbits have an superior dewlapfat chin than men. Pemphigus foliaceus an autoimmune disease that manifests hair loss and skin irritation. It is in between where his head connects to his body so like his neck area if it were to be visable he does not have malocclusion although i dont know if there teeth are supposed to be touching together because his are not at all. Unlike those of cats and dogs, abscesses in rabbits usually do not burst and drain fluid.

It could be due to hotheat spot, irritated possible due to fleas and biting the fur off or dry skin look for red irritated skin under the bald spot. This topic has 2sd replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by mijook. The short answer is that a self chin looks exactly like a black usually. The vet told me this was due to scent glands under the chin and nothing to be concerned about. Published on sep 19, 2017 it is common to see a rabbit rubbing their chin on just about everything that you put in their cage or when they are moved to a. A rabbit with a urinary infection or a disabled older rabbit may not be able to project urine away from the body. Major symptoms of the more common diseases affecting rabbits, like snuffles and enteritis.

Bacterial skin infection in rabbits symptoms, causes. These abscesses can grow very quickly, often extending into the surrounding soft tissue and bone. Dental problems fur loss will be seen under the chin, on the chest andor on the dewlap. Put apple cider vinegar or hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and dab it on the itchy spot. He has large bald patches under his chin, along with a few scabs. I rescued a netherland dwarf rabbit today from someone who has obviously neglected him. Dry bald patch under left chin by the mouth moist dermatitis.

Question about a small matted hair spot under my boybunnies. If the bunny is healthy, within a few days the bald patches will become pigmented, and. For milder cases, shave the areas that get wet so the skin can dry remember, rabbit fur takes a long time to dry, rinse the affected areas daily, and follow up with a. Question about a small matted hair spot under my boy. Wild chinchillas have developed this mechanism to escape predators when they are captured. I took a look at my other guinea pig and he doesnt have a bald patch but im still unsure as my second guineab pig is super fluffy.

If the bald spot is limited to the area hidden when the rabbit tucks her head back toward her shoulders. Mar 08, 2009 my adult cat has a bald patch under his chin where he has pulled a flap of fur away. It has no fur on it and a couple of tiny but healthy looking scabs where i think she may have caught it while itching. The patches i found this morning are 1 on her lower back and on 1 her side. The vet is indeed rabbit savvy, because when mommy decided to switch to this vet, she asked a few questions to test him. Dental problems fur loss will be seen under the chin, on the chest andor on the.

Parasite infestation fleas, lice, mange mites, fur mites, mites that cause ear canker, a fungus like ringworm. Fur slip in chinchillas is a fancy name for the release of a large patch of fur in response to being grabbed or being handled roughly. My rabbit started loosing hair around whiskers, chin and neck along. A male beginning violin or viola prior to and through puberty will almost always develop a bald spot under the chin. Every rabbit is different, and experiences a varying timespan for their molt. Talk with your veterinarian about your rabbit s behavior. Otherwise the skin is normal, not flaky or strange in any other way. The vet said she looked in pretty good health despite not having any hair on the back of her neck was told she had lots of knots in fur so. Oct 23, 2009 i rescued a netherland dwarf rabbit today from someone who has obviously neglected him. Rabbit losing chunks of hair under chin more info in.

I wondered if this is normal or not for guinea pigs. My 2 russian hamsters have a small patch of skin on both sides of their lower back that has grey hair that grows thicker. Rabbit has bald patches under his chin yahoo answers. You also may want to check that he has adequate wood to chew on. However, if there appears to be a waxy buildup and smelly. Jan 28, 20 hey, a bald spot under the chin like yours is quite common, it does not look to be completely bare so im sure in time it will fill in, what are your goals for this beard. I have a 6 months old guinea pig and i noticed that she has a huge bald spot under her chin. Fur loss or hair loss, also known as alopecia, in rabbits can be caused by both natural reasons as.

She has a moist bald patch under her chin and she is malting all over. She is brushed daily as she is long haired but i noiced this morning she has a couple of bald patches appearing. If you spot a bald patch, ensure its due to molting and not selfmutilation or illness. Some breeds, especially dwarf, miniature lop, and angora rabbits may lose their hair in patches. Hair loss in cats what causes cats to lose fur around their.

If the problem is not due to parasites, try to breed this rabbit with one that has better fur covering on the ears if the problem is pronounced. Mar 16, 2011 that double chin you are seeing, it is called a dewlap. My bun blue had two patches like that on his back where his sholder. Rabbit wlump on chin discussion in rabbits started by chocolatemouse, aug 1, 20. Common causes, common treatments kathleen wilsbach, phd. Your rabbit may lose fur in clumps, resulting in bald patches. But not under his chin is dry and crusty and he has lost his hair but his.

Slipped fur is detectable at the moment it happens. If you have a problem registering or accessing an exiting account please post a message in the help section describing the problem. I looked through her fur a bit but didnt see anything. Peko has a patch of bare skin under her chin anyone else. Sep 07, 2007 rabbit appears to be shedding, noticed today fairly large patch of hair missing from under neck area, have had rabbit around a year. Question about a small matted hair spot under my boybunnies chin. My rabbit has a bald spot right under his chin not on his chest. Abscesses are extremely common in pet rabbits and are the. Genetically, the only difference between a true black and a self chin is that. Well help you get to know some of the major symptoms of the major rabbit illnesses, and what you can do for these health challenges, including some effective home remedies. Cat chin going bald alopecia areata, hair loss problem. So maybe theres nothing serious after all i hope, but will set an appointment with. This is a picture of a large lump under her chin, perhaps the size of a large marble. I have just cleaned my rabbit hutch out and noticed my little netherland dwarf rabbit as a flaky bald patch under his chin, i tried to pick him up to have a closer look but he wont let me, he kept fighting to get away from me which isnt like him at all.

Most rabbits molt at the end of winter, as they dont need that extra layer of fur. Unusual bald spots under my rabbits chin rabbitsonline. Bald patches moulting or mites rabbits united forum. Overzealous groomers may also cause bond mates to go bald. If his chin is bulging, too, he may have an abscess, perhaps caused by a warble. If we have a female rabbit losing patches of fur, it is possible they are. The dewlap new bunny owners may be a little bit confused about the extra flap of skin and fatty tissue that is under the chin of their new female bunny. When the cat licks or scratches those areas excessively, then those areas begin to show bald patches. Mar 18, 2011 as i was holding my guinea pig today, mum noticed he had a little bald spot under his chin.

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this could be and how i can make it better for the poor bun. When a female rabbit has kits, they make their nest with the fur on their dewlap. Generally, if you rub against it, it should be wet and not a big deal. What worked to treat it was applying this blue gel that was for brushing dogs and cats teeth it had zinc and vitamin c in it. Why do rabbits rub their chins on things the sr rabbit.

Dec 14, 2006 my rabbit pulls the fur out from under her chin. However, if youre certain that you have a boy rabbit, its most likely cancerous, and you should consult with a vet. I asked the vet if it could have been a side effect of the antibiotics or the medication for the yeast and she didnt think so. My adult cat has a bald patch under his chin where he has pulled a flap of fur away. A vet would want to carry out a variety of tests to establish whether the hair loss is a primary health issue or the symptom of an underlying illness which would need to be treated sooner rather. I would just keep it under observation and see whether the patches stay at that size or get bigger. My llewelyn rip had a mystery bald patch under his chin for several months. Have you ever heard of a rabbit color called self chinchilla. A local rabbit producer told be about using honey to treat an abscess. She also has a watery eye and baldness seems to be appearing around the eye too.

Last week we got a 12 wk old lionhead from the adoption part of pets at home. An abscess is a localized collection of pus contained within a capsulelike lump under the skin. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease. One major symptom of stress in rabbits is hair loss which can affect certain parts of the rabbit.

What does a little bald spot on a rabbit mean answers. Why does my rabbit have a bald spot under his chin. Talk with your veterinarian about your rabbits behavior. Cat chin going bald alopecia areata, hair loss problem in cats. When i picked him up today, the fur around the patches was sopping wet and matted.

If the chin of the hamster is covered in sores, it could be causes be a leaky water bottles that runs down its chin or from rubbing its face on the bars of its wire cage. Some may have a rabbit losing fur around their neck, others might see hair loss on the back or under the chin of a rabbit. April 28, 2010 hair loss in cats generally occurs when the cat scratches itself when it gets itchy. The links below provide more information about molting. If you have a rabbit losing fur under your care, then you will want to know what. She doesnt have any other bald spots or odd shedding anywhere else. My rabbit has been over licking under his chin neck area.

Jul 25, 2008 an abscess is a localized collection of pus contained within a capsulelike lump under the skin. Hair loss in rabbits, also called alopecia, can be caused by a variety of possible. These abscesses can grow very quickly, often extending into. If your cat is losing their hair, here are a few possible cat hair loss treatments to try. That double chin you are seeing, it is called a dewlap. I know of a few bunnies including one of my own that would get pretty bad irritations under their chins and the corners of their mouths but it was due to dental problems.

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